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Sukkos 5779A
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Sukkos 5779B
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Sukkos 5779
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Sukkos 5780
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Sukkos 5781
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Sukkos 5782 Dont sweat the small stuff
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Sukkos 5782 B be like a esrog
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Sukkos 5783 Hashem loves achdus
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Sukkos 5783 The Arava Hashem loves us just because
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Shimini Atzeris 5780
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Simchas Torah 5781
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Shimini Atzeres 5782 hashem loves our achdus
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Sukkos 5784 juggling priorities
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Hoshana Rabba 5784 Hashem Loves those how get it and are quiet
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Missing but still beautiful
Aravos teach us to appreciate our family
Real Beauty!
Hashem Loves us!
Sukkos don't sweat the small stuff
Lessons from the Esrog, don't just live the year, thrive!
Hashem loves Achdus
The Arava Hashem loves us just because
A small meal allows you to focus on what is important.
You have to experience it to understand it.
Hashem Loves our Achdus
Learning how to Juggle our priorities
Hashem loves those that get hit and are quiet
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